And Patton has the unmitigated gall to declare that it’s a lie to assert the reality that the overwhelming consensus among scientists is that evolution is as much a fact as anything in science is.
Given the extent of his lying, it would make perfect sense if you came to the conclusion that even his professions of religious belief were also a lie, that in fact all he cares about is political legitimacy for his lunatic, far-right ideas.
That's something I've always wondered about those who go against the teachings of their religion in the name of said religion. For example, if you're hustling your sheep for cash in the name of Jesus, doesn't that mean that you have contempt for his teachings?
Then there's governor "good hair" and his band of merry idiots in the state legislature.
After Gov. Rick Perry's recent comments about some Texans talking secession from the union made national news, legislators are considering issuing a "cease and desist" order to the federal government.As Jon Stewart says "I think you're confusing tyranny with losing."
"This state prefers, to the greatest extent possible, to control our own destiny," said Rep. Vicki Truitt, R-Keller, one of several members co-sponsoring the measure. "We prefer that federal government limit the amount of federal mandates it forces upon the people of Texas."
Stewart mocked Andrew Breitbart, a former editor of the Drudge Report, who now runs his own Web news portal, for saying that since Obama became president, his children’s public school no longer used the term ‘St. Patrick’s Day’ but rather, ‘Potato Day.’I have nothing to add...
“I’m not Irish but I’m not sure ‘Potato Day’ is more politically correct than St. Patrick’s Day. I think it might be worse,” laughed Stewart before going on to say:
“And while President Bush was the one who started the bailout, nationalizing an insurance company, added a $17 trillion drug prescription entitlement program, had a government-mandated public school initiative, literally titled ‘No Child Left Behind,’ wiretapped citizens without warrants, created secret internment camps in international waters behind the reach of our justice system and allowed his vice president to live in a netherworld between the executive and legislative branch…Only now with the advent of ‘Potato Day’ has tyranny come to our shores.”
Stewart advised angry Republicans that they were "confusing tyranny with losing." “Now you’re in the minority, it’s supposed to taste like a sh** taco.”
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