Thursday, April 16, 2009

Come in Earth, can you hear me?

Some days it's hard to live in Texas, even in Austin. I work for a technology company that is in the process of offshoring as fast as they can, both personnel and manufacturing plants. We've had continuous rounds of layoffs for the last 3 years. The CEO took the opportunity last year to host a McCain rally featuring Phil "degregulatin'" Gramm on company property. To top it off, yesterday and today I had to listen to the emboldened wingnuts yammering about "tea parties".

I've worked here 10+ years. For eight of those years, shrubby was the President. The wingnuts were loud and proud and the rest of us kept the topic to actual work (what a concept). Since the election, the wingers were pretty quiet...until yesterday.

I know of four or five people in my area who blew off business meetings to head on down to San Antonio (home of the gullible dumbass) to worship their hero Glenn Beck. Some of those "left behind" were busy calling to get all the updates.

By the way, if you want a chuckle some time, Google "San+Antonio+flouride". they are all back in the office feeling good (except for the hangovers) and talkin' loud. Here's what I found out today:

1. Conservatives rarely "rally" as they all have jobs. The same guy bragging about this was minutes later telling someone to make a Friday meeting early since he's out the door at 2pm every Friday. I guess the thousands laid off from this company in the last few years have all been liberals.

2. There were (I freaking kid you not) *black helicopters* hovering over the San Antonio teabagathon taking pictures with "facial recognition software".

Texas better get blue in a hurry or I'm out as soon as the economy picks up. Doug Sahm, Stevie Ray, Freddie King and Lightnin' Hopkins only have so much hold from the grave...

On a related topic, I went on last night to see what was going on. In the "You Decide" section they had the following question:

YOU DECIDE: Will Washington Respond to Tea Party Message?

My response:
SuxToLose says:
April 15, 2009 at 10:00 pm
What message?? Is it that you don’t think that 95% of Americans deserve the Obama tax cuts? Or is it that federal income tax should be abolished, thus defunding the military? Or is the message that it’s not fair that the “conservative movement” is wasting away? Gee, why would Obama ever call you bitter?

Just curious.

but alas, the teabaggers didn't want to play.

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