Tuesday, February 3, 2009

RedState of Disarray

I was lucky enough to sign up for the "Red State Morning Briefing", which is sent out to email subscribers and "media outlets" (which is sweet, I'd hate for "media outlets" to miss out on all the stupid).

Here's a selection of the breaking news so far...

They were off to a great start the day after America sang "na na na na hey hey..goodbye" to King George:

1. Goodbye President Bush
We get the bumper sticker cliches. But serious reflection on George Bush's Presidency has been missing.
History will also doubtlessly cast a more favorable eye on the many places in the world where President Bush and his team strengthened America's alliances and brought desperately needed freedom and relief.

(cough)...New Orleans...(cough)
Right, got that out of the way, on to Bipartisanship:

2. Let's Hope Obama Fails
The pleasant face and smooth rhetoric hide in the case of Barack Obama a morally depraved and crooked man.
A man who has gotten to his position of power by climbing the greasiest and dirtiest ladder in all of politics.
You see, what happens when the trains run on time is that people are quicker to forget the moral failures of their elected officials, and their government at large.

Hey buddy - America, Love It or Leave It!
Oh, and if you go to the Hitler allusion on day 1, what's in the clip for the rest of the EIGHT YEARS??

7. The Non-Partisan Congressional Budget Office Says Stimulus Won't Work
Obama just hired the CBO head to be his budget director. Before leaving the CBO, the new budget director's office said Obama's stimulus won't work

Yeah... about that CBO report... it doesn't exist.

Two days after the inauguration they're still on about the crushing CBO report:

3. Congressional Budget Office Slams Stimulus Plan
Republicans and others concerned about throwing good money after bad should oppose this package.
There is no policy justification for a stimulus package that centers on spending. The CBO is clear that it's simply not possible to pay out the spending at a fast enough rate.

On the 26th of January, it was "we're all gonna DIE!!!1! Monday:

2. Barack Obama Is Already Signaling His Weakness to Terrorists
Changing Bush policies designed to keep us safe will only get us killed.
3. Muslim Leaders Expect Obama to Take Eye Off Terror
It's already beginning and it will end up killing us.

Does this mean I shouldn't buy that "HOPE > FEAR" t-shirt?

Plenty more where that came from. Believe me when I tell you that RedState's well of stupid is deep.

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